Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Basket of Haikus

Pumpkins come to life.
Children running and screaming.
Horror night is here.

Leaves pasted to cement.

Droplets leaving rings behind.

It's a rainy day.

Looking down on me.

Where clouds only reach, stars fill.

Climbing with my wings.

Greetings and Salutations

Hello to all my fellow bloggers!
I never thought this day would come but it has and I'm more excited than ever! I've always wanted to be able to keep some sort of record of the weird and crazy things that occur in my daily life but have never had a great place to keep these memories stored but in my head.
As I was trying to come up with a theme for my blog I found it very difficult because there's not really one thing I enjoy but many things. So, that is what I'll be writing about. The many joys, interesting observations and crazy events that weave their way in and out of my life and the many exciting changes that occur.
I hope you enjoy reading about them as I will surely enjoy writing about them.